People think that design is styling. Design is not style. It's not about giving shape to the shell and not giving a damn about the guts. Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines technology, cognitive science, human need and beauty to produce something that the world didn't know it was missing.
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People think that design is styling. Design is not style. It's not about giving shape to the shell and not giving a damn about the guts. Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines technology, cognitive science, human need and beauty to produce something that the world didn't know it was missing.
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People think that design is styling. Design is not style. It's not about giving shape to the shell and not giving a damn about the guts. Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines technology, cognitive science, human need and beauty to produce something that the world didn't know it was missing.
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ul. Skrzydlata 11c,
54-129 Wrocław
+48 609 108 107
Diamentum Office
ul. Robotnicza 42A
53-608 Wrocław
+48 609 108 107
„Jako architekt tworzysz w teraźniejszości, mając świadomość przeszłości i w perspektywie przyszłości, która jest właściwie nieznana.”
Norman Foster